2-2. How to Take Test

Take Test

At the end of each topic there is a “Test” section.

Click on the red boxed area.

Click “Start Test”

Click “Start Test” to begin testing.

The test has a time limit of 5 minutes. Counting begins as soon as you click.

How to Answer Tests

Multiple-choice Question

Choose the answer that corresponds to the question.

You can select more than one option for question marked “* Multiple answers are possible”.

Fill-in-the-blank Question

Enter your answer in the gray area.

Finish Test

Click “Finish Test” within 5 minutes when you have answered all the questions.

Confirmation of Results

The number of correct answers will be checked.

If the percentage of correct answers is 80% or higher, the study of the topic is completed.

Click “Retake Test” to take the test again, or “View Question” to view the answers and explanations.

Check the answers and explanations.

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