

Trade is just importing goods from overseas and selling them.
IINO san
IINO san
Oh, man! Listen up. If you don’t get the difference, you might accidentally break laws or get ripped off by foreign business partners.
IINO san
IINO san
I’ve been scammed before.
Oh, I see. It’s necessary to acquire proper knowledge before getting started. I’d be happy to know about the risks, too!
(It seems easy to deceive Ino san, though.)

Learning Points

  • Considerations
  • Why Understanding Regulations Matters
  • Trade Regulations
  • Risks Associated with Trade


Trade is the buying and selling of goods with people from overseas. It’s different from buying apples at the local grocery stores because you have to deal with people with other languages, cultures, and business practices.

Therefore, it requires:

  • The proper knowledge of trade transactions
  • The knowledge of laws and regulations
IINO san
IINO san
Recently, services like Alibaba, eBay, and Buyma have made trade transactions easier for individuals.
Many people are using it to earn some extra cash, I know.
IINO san
IINO san
Indeed. Technology has simplified transactions and communication, but unfortunately, regulations remain there!

Why Understanding Regulations Matters

Without the proper knowledge, the following accidents can happen:

  • To be Scammed
  • Leads to Incur Losses
  • Leads to Breaking Laws
IINO san
IINO san
Did you know individual tradings can often lead to breaking laws and regulations?
What? But why do they continue trading despite violating rules? That’s unfair!
IINO san
IINO san
I think it’s because customs can’t thoroughly check every small-scale trade. You know, some people pretend to import products for personal use but resell them instead. 
That’s a sneaky way!
With sufficient trade knowledge, you can avoid risks and troubles and earn more significant profits.
IINO san
IINO san
Typically, Trade is done as a business to make a profit. Therefore, you must avoid incurring losses or engaging in illegal activities.

Trade Regulations

Trade has various laws and regulations, such as import restrictions, export controls, etc. Be cautious, as the following items may be subject to regulations.

  • Goods which may infringe on intellectual property
  • Goods which has environmental issues
  • Hazardous materials
  • Endangered species
  • Ailen Spices

There are also regulations for the following purposes:

  • Protection of domestic industries
  • Compliance with safety standards

While it may appear risky, in actual transactions, there are often cases that exporters may overlook at first.

IINO san
IINO san
If you export without realizing it, there is a possibility of being confiscated by customs at the importing country.
It’s not a big deal, huh?
IINO san
IINO san
Don’t kid yourself!
It will lead to significant financial losses!
Oops! Sorry!

Risks Associated with Trade

In trade, you have to consider the following risks:

  • Credit Risk
  • Exchange Rate Risk

Credit Risk

When you engage in trade, you have to deal with companies physically located in other countries. Due to the lack of familiarity and uncertainty with the trading partner, credit risk arises.

You have to consider:

  • Will the payment be made properly?
  • Will the products be delivered as expected?

If you don’t consider these risks, you’re more likely to lose money

IINO san
IINO san
Can you believe it? I got scammed by an Indonesian company! They received money but said, “We won’t send goods unless you place larger orders!”
IINO san
IINO san
The sum of money wasn’t that much, so I decided to let it slide, but I was tempted to go and demand a refund!
Wao, it’s kind of like a scam.

Common Credit Risks

In international transactions, the following scenarios are often likely to occur:

  • Deliberately delaying payments
  • Shipping substandard products
  • Inadequate packaging and wrapping of goods
  • Delivery delays of more than one month
  • Invoicing for unclear items
IINO san
IINO san
Of course, it depends on the individual or company, though.

This is because various countries follow different business practices. Things may be common for one country, but they could be considered unbelievable for another.

Exchange Rate Risk

In trade, you also need to consider exchange rate risk.

Exchange rates fluctuate daily. Pay close attention to exchange rate fluctuations in trade transactions is crucial.

IINO san
IINO san
We’ll explain details in a separate curriculum.


In this article, we’ve covered the following points:

  • What you need to know when engaging in trade
  • Risks associated with trade transactions
  • Important considerations when conducting trade deals

To avoid getting into trouble, it is crucial to grasp regulations.

IINO san
IINO san
With this curriculum, you can learn how to make successful trades.
It’s a great chance to improve my skills. I will focus on my studies!

Enhanced Learning with Videos

Trade Overview

International Rules for Environmental Protection

Test Yourself

Reinforce your understanding of this topic by working through the exercises. Attempting the exercises without referring to the material as much as possible is advisable.

IINO san
IINO san
The act of “remembering” helps it sink in your memory.