

IINO san
IINO san
Today, I’ll be explaining the AEO program
AEO program?
IINO san
IINO san
AEO is a qualification granted to businesses recognized for complying with regulations.
Once certified, they can receive various benefits.
I often hear the term, but I don’t grasp its content.
IINO san
IINO san
The details presented here will focus on Japan’s AEO system. But it is adopted by many countries and regions worldwide, including the EU, the US, China, Canada, and others.

Learning Points

  • AEO Program
  • Who Can Obtain the AEO Status?
  • Benefits of AEO Certified Exporter
  • Benefits of AEO Certified Customs Broker

AEO Program (Authorized Economic Operator)


The AEO program is a global customs-related initiative to enhance and streamline international trade.

This program officially recognizes businesses that meet specific criteria, demonstrating their commitment to compliance with:

  • Customs regulations and
  • Security standards
IINO san
IINO san
AEO is an abbreviation for “Authorized Economic Operator.

—パターン2 (オリジナルを採用)

The AEO program is designed to simplify customs procedures for businesses officially recognized by customs. Its primary objectives are:

  • To ensure logistics security
  • Promote regulatory compliance
  • Facilitate smooth international trade transactions
IINO san
IINO san
AEO is an abbreviation for “Authorized Economic Operator.

Who Can Obtain the AEO Status?

It applies to the following parties:

  • Exporters
  • Importers
  • Warehouse operators
  • Customs brokers
  • Carriers/Transportation companies
  • Manufacturers
IINO san
IINO san
Each company involved in transportation can become an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO).

What is Required of AEO?

AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) must comply with legal regulations and implement cargo security management.

Is this only required in Japan?
IINO san
IINO san
No, various countries and regions, including the EU, the US, China, Canada, and others, have their own AEO programs with similar objectives.

Compliance with Regulations

AEO certified companies need to adhere to legal requirements related to customs procedures.

The key is to have the following measures in place:

  • Proactively prevent legal violations
  • If a violation occurs, swiftly devise measures to prevent recurrence
  • Create and manage internal rules and operational procedures effectively

Cargo Security Management

In cargo security management, it’s crucial to have measures in place to prevent theft, replacement, and unauthorized access to the handled cargo. The key point is to ensure the fundamental aspect of logistics—keeping the cargo safe.

IINO san
IINO san
The point is if they are reliable companies for import and export.

Businesses Certified as AEO

IINO san
IINO san
From here, let’s explore the benefits through the explanation of certified exporters and customs brokers.
While we’ll use examples from Japan, it’s important to note that various countries offer advantages.

AEO Certified Exporter

AEO certified exporters have established security management and compliance systems and are recognized as AEO by customs.

As of April 2022, 232 businesses in Japan have been recognized and certified as AEO for export.


These exporters can simplify various customs procedures.

(1) Simplifying Customs Procedures

An exporter with AEO status can declare exports and obtain permission without physically transporting goods to a bonded area.

Typically, goods need to pass through a bonded area to obtain permission. However, it becomes possible to complete the declaration and obtain permission even if the goods are at the exporter’s factory or in transit.

IINO san
IINO san
It leads to a shorter delivery time.

(2) Can Freely Choose the Customs Office for Declaration

Exporters with AEO status can freely choose the customs office for an export declaration.

Typically, for goods located within the jurisdiction of Customs Office A, declarations must be made at Customs Office A. However, with a liberalized declaration, it is possible to make declarations at Customs Office B or other locations instead.

IINO san
IINO san
Even if the shipping region changes, you can still declare to the customs office you have a good relationship.
It’s very convinient.

(3) Omission of Change Procedures

Even after obtaining export approval, changes to the vessel name or loading port are common in the shipping industry. However, AEO certified exporters can skip the application for changes in the:

  • Vessel name
  • Loading port
IINO san
IINO san
This happens quite often, and it can be quietly troublesome.

(4) Simplification of Duty-Free Processing for Returnable Containers

Submitting documentation related to duty-free procedures becomes unnecessary when re-exporting or reimporting returnable containers.

(5) Simplification of Customs Inspection and Examination

The customs document review and cargo X-ray inspections will be simplified.

(6) Application of AEO Mutual Recognition

Inspections and examinations upon arrival are simplified when exporting goods to countries with AEO mutual recognition agreements. There are over 90 pairs of mutually recognized countries worldwide, and Japan has mutual recognition agreements with 13 countries.

Countries with mutual recognition of Japan
New Zealand, US, EU, Canada, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Australia, UK
Becoming an AEO comes with many benefits, doesn’t it?
IINO san
IINO san
To put it the other way around, play icon; you may encounter occasional administrative issues if you are not an AEO.

AEO Certified Customs Broker

AEO Certified customs brokers are companies specializing in customs-related tasks that have obtained recognition as AEO. As of April 2022, 244 businesses have been certified as authorized customs brokers in Japan.


IINO san
IINO san
For customs brokers in Japan who become AEO, there are various benefits. Take it as a reference.

(1) Simplification of Customs Procedures

Goods can be exported without entering the bonded area.

IINO san
IINO san
This is called “Special Export Declaration System”.

Additionally, tax declaration can be carried out after picking up the cargo. This allows for even more prompt and smooth retrieval of the imported goods.

It will be very smooth, won’t it?
IINO san
IINO san
Yah, both procedures are conducted upon the request of either the exporter or the importer, though.

(2) Can Freely Choose the Customs Office for Declaration

This allows the customs broker to choose the location for declaration.

IINO san
IINO san
It’s the same as earlier!

(3) Simplification of Procedures

In Japan, if products made abroad using specific raw materials are reimported within a year of export, tariffs on the equivalent portion of the raw materials can be reduced.

Usually, customs brokers handle this process.

As document preparation and submission are not required for AEO-certified customs brokers, it can lead to a reduction in the time required for customs declaration.

Is it duty-free for raw materials? I didn’t know there was such a system!
IINO san
IINO san
Because Raw materials exported for processing and reimporting are not meant for consumption at the import destination.


AEO (Authorized Economic Operator) program globally streamlines customs procedures for entities, including exporters, importers, and customs brokers.

This article introduces the benefits for businesses certified under Japan’s AEO program, but similar advantages exist in other countries. When you engage in trade, also remember these systems.

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IINO san
IINO san
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