
Learning Points
- Laws and Regulations for Imported Goods
- Import Trade Control Order
- Quota Administration
- – Absolute Quotas
- – Tariff-Rate Quotas
Laws and Regulations for Imported Goods
In Japan, importers must comply with the “Import Trade Control Order” when dealing with imports.
It is necessary to perform a pre-check to ensure no product restrictions, just like in the case of exports.

Import Trade Control Order
The Import Trade Control Order is a law that consolidates Japan’s import regulations. Approval from the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry is required when importing goods subject to regulation.

Absolute Quotas
Import Quotes (IQ) is a system where a country restricts the number of specific goods that can be imported. This ensures that the quantity of imported goods remains within certain limits.
The government determines the specific goods and quantities and typically impacts particular industries or product categories.
Import quota(輸入割当制度)は、国が特定の商品の輸入量を制限する制度です。これにより、輸入される商品の数量が一定の制限内にとどまります。具体的な商品や数量は、政府によって設定され、通常は特定の業界や製品カテゴリに影響します。
The purpose of this is:
- To preserve environmental resources
- To protect domestic industries

IQ Examples
The items are broadly classified into the following two categories:
- Items whose imports have not been liberalized (Aquatic produce, ts, etc.)
- Substances that deplete the ozone layer

Tariff-Rate Quotas
Tariff Rate Quota (TQ) is a tariff system established for importing specific goods.
Under this system, a certain quantity of goods can be imported at a regular, lower tariff rate, while any amount beyond that is subject to the normal, higher tariff rate.
Tariff Quota (TQ)は、特定の商品の輸入に対して設定された特別な関税制度です。この制度では、ある数量の商品が通常の低い関税率で輸入でき、その数量を超えた分に対しては通常の高い関税率が適用されます。
・Import Quota System: Essentially, import is prohibited by default. However, it becomes possible to import a certain quantity upon application.
・Tariff Quota System: If the amount exceeds a certain limit, importing by paying a higher tariff is possible.
Items Requiring Import Approval
These are specific goods for which prior government approval is required before importing and strictly managed due to their potential environmental impact.
Examples include wildlife and plants protected by the Washington Convention and weapons.
Specific Regional Regulation
- Goods imported from particular countries or loading areas
- Wildlife and plants covered by the CITES
- Substances regulated by the Montreal Protocol
- Substances regulated by the Chemical Weapons Convention (Category 1)
All Regional Regulations
- Weapons and arms
- Explosives
- Nuclear-related goods, etc.

While you don’t need to memorize the details, it’s important to understand that there are regulations for imports.

Items Subject to Pre-Confirmation
These are items for which prior government approval is required, specifically for certain goods.
- Tuna
- Mero
- Crabs, etc.

Items Requiring Verification during Customs Clearance
These are specific goods for which prior confirmation is necessary during customs clearance.
The verifying entities for the three mentioned earlier were the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. However, the customs authority serves as the verifying entity for this.
The target items are as follows:
- Raw diamonds
- Pesticides
- Poppy seeds, cannabis seeds, etc.

This article introduced examples of import regulations in Japan, highlighting the specific import controls in place.
While details vary by country, systems such as import and tariff quotas are commonly observed. Researching the regulations in place when importing is essential, as they play a crucial role in trade.
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