6-1. Foreign Exchange and Forward Contracts


IINO san
IINO san
Let’s study about foreign exchange from this topic.
Since currency is an integral part of trade, we’ll start with some terminology explanations!
If I understand it, can I use that knowledge to make profitable trades in the FX market?
IINO san
IINO san
It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but rather a practical study to avoid exchange risks in trade. So please listen carefully.

Learning Points

  • Foreign Exchange Risk (Exchange Rate Risk)
  • Forward Contract
  • Spot rate and Forward rate
  • Interbank rate and Retail rate

What is an Exchange Rate?

An exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another.

In trade, deciding which currency to use is crucial when dealing with countries with different currencies. The U.S. Dollar is commonly utilized as the international currency.

IINO san
IINO san
The transportation costs for maritime and air shipments are also denominated in U.S. Dollars.

Foreign Exchange Risk (Exchange Rate Risk)

Currency fluctuations in the foreign exchange market can result in foreign exchange risk (exchange rate risk), which may cause financial loss or gain.

In Japan, the yen has been depreciating, and there’s a bit of a concerning atmosphere, isn’t there?
IINO san
IINO san

Fluctuation of Exchange Rates

The fluctuation of exchange rates refers to the continuous changes in the value of one currency about another. Exchange rates are influenced by various factors, including:

  • Economic conditions
  • Global situations

The fluctuation in exchange rates after the contract is signed often results in potential losses.

Case Study 1

The importer incurs a loss when the yen depreciates more than the exchange rate upon contract.

  • Product Price: USD 1/pcs
  • Quantity: 100 pcs

When the contract is made:

Exchange Rate: USD 1= 90 yen
Anticipated Payment Amount: 90 yen x 100 = 9,000 yen

When payment is made:

Exchange Rate: USD 1= 100 yen
Payment Amount: 100 yen x 100 = 10,000 yen

Loss: 1,000 yen

Case Study 2

If the yen appreciates beyond the exchange rate upon contract, the exporter will suffer a loss.

  • Product Price: USD 1
  • Quantity: 100 pcs

When the contract is made:

Exchange Rate: USD 1= 110 yen
Anticipated receive Amount: 110 yen x 100 = 11,000 yen

When payment is made:

Exchange Rate: USD 1= 100 yen
Payment Amount: 100 yen x 100 = 10,000 yen

Loss: 1,000 yen 


Foreign Exchange Hedges

The exchange rate significantly influences profits, and predicting its movement is challenging. Therefore, Foreign exchange hedges are taken to minimize exchange rate risk.

Forward Contract

There are several types of foreign exchange hedges, but one of the most common is a forward contract (forward foreign exchange contract).

A forward contract secures a predetermined exchange rate for the future to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuations and ensure profitability.

Use Case

For example, the seller intends to export automotive parts to Thailand two months from now. The seller can arrange a forward contract at USD 1= 130 yen by calling the bank.

Even if the exchange rate changes to USD 1= 110 yen in two months, the transaction will still be processed at the agreed rate of USD 1 = 130 yen.

・Forward rate: 130 yen
・The exchange rate on the settlement date: 110 yen
・Applied rate: 130 yen
What if I import?
IINO san
IINO san
Same for imports.
If you arrange a forward contract at USD 1= JPY 130.
Even if the yen becomes remarkably weaker, like 150 JPY, you can still transact at the agreed rate two months later.

Types of Forward Contracts

The reservation methods are divided into the two types below, depending on the delivery timing.

  • Fixed date delivery: Reserving the rate for a specific future date
  • Optional delivery: Reserving a rate for a certain period and executing it during that period.

IINO san
IINO san
The latter has options to freely execute within a month, specify a particular month, like “February delivery,” or choose a fixed period for contract execution.

Forward contracts require credit examination before reservation. Once made, changes or cancellations are generally not allowed except in unavoidable circumstances.

Spot Rate and Forward Rate

Here are some exchange rates that you might find helpful to remember.

  • Spot Rate
  • Forward Rate

Spot Rate

The spot rate is an exchange rate commonly reported in newspapers and news sources. In transactions based on the spot rate, settlement occurs two business days after the transaction date.

IINO san
IINO san
If there is an urgent need to export or import goods, the spot exchange rate will be used.

Forward Rate

Forward Rate is the rate used in a forward contract.

Specifically, a forward rate is the exchange rate used for a transaction that occurs more than two business days.

Forward rates are usually offered for periods of up to approximately five years.

Interbank Rate and Retail Rates

Exchange rates are classified as interbank rates and retail rates based on the market and participants.

IINO san
IINO san
In practical trade, only the latter term is used.

Interbank Rate

An interbank rate is the exchange rate traded exclusively among financial institutions, primarily banks. It represents the rates dealt with by securities professionals and the people involved in the financial sector.

We don’t have to remember, right?
IINO san
IINO san
It’s good to know the daily news reports of 1 dollar to xx yen are about the Interbank Rate’s spot rate.

Retail Rate

A retail Rate is the exchange rate traded between financial institutions such as banks and customers, including businesses or individuals.

IINO san
IINO san
Simply put, it refers to the exchange rate that a bank offers for corporations or individuals.
Since this rate varies among banks and businesses, it is generally not publicly disclosed.

IINO san
IINO san
Each relationship is somewhat like above!


Trade involves exchange rate risk, so hedging the risks is needed. Exchange rates are determined by the balance of demand and supply for each currency.

Since exchange rates constantly fluctuate due to various factors, forward contracts can be considered an effective means to mitigate the associated risks.

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IINO san
IINO san
The act of “remembering” helps it sink in your memory.