4-2. Institute Cargo Clauses and the specifics of Insurance Terms


IINO san
IINO san
This time, we’ll delve into the Institute Cargo Clauses and the specifics of Insurance Terms. 
What’s that?
IINO san
IINO san
It’s a kind of insurance type. 
Wouldn’t it vary depending on the insurance company?
IINO san
IINO san
Oh, sharp observation! Indeed, it varies by insurance company, but what I’m explaining this time are points that are universally applicable worldwide.

What You Can Gain from This Topic

  • Institute Cargo Clauses
  • ICC(A)、ICC(B)、ICC(C)
  • War risk insurance and Strike Insurance
  • Disclaimers

Institute Cargo Clauses

When discussing marine cargo insurance, it is important to remember the Institute Cargo Clauses.

These are the insurance terms created over 200 years ago by the Institute of London Underwriters based on Lloyd’s policy and are still used in many countries around the world.
That’s still in use! Understanding the historical background of marine insurance is excited!

Historical Background

The following two have been in use for many years, but the new clauses were further revised in 2009:

  • 1963 version of Institute Cargo Clauses 
  • 1982 version of Institute Cargo Clauses

These two have been in use for many years, but the latter one was further revised in 2009.

Institute Cargo Clauses define the fundamental elements used in marine cargo insurance.

IINO san
IINO san
The coverage of risks varies depending on the insurance terms, so it’s good to review them.

Insurance Terms

The following are the terms used in marine cargo insurance.

  • Insurance terms based on 1963 version: A/R, WA, FPA
  • Insurance terms based on 1982 version: ICC (A), (B), (C)
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IINO san
There are three types!

The old ones and new ones have not changed significantly. However, tracking which of the new terms corresponds to the old ones is crucial.

  • ICC(A) ≒ A/R (All Risks)
  • ICC(B) ≒ WA (With Average)
  • ICC(C) ≒ FPA (Free from Particular Average)

ICC(A) ≒ A/R(All Risks)

ICC (A) is the terms with the broadest coverage.

It covers:

  • Marine perils
  • All risks during transportation, including accidents during loading and unloading
IINO san
IINO san
It is widely used in various products such as home appliances, machinery.

However, there are disclaimer clauses. You have to note it doesn’t mean ICC (A) covers all types of issues completely.

ICC(B) ≒ WA(With Average)

ICC (B) is the term that cover damage to cargo, including

  • Total loss
  • Partial loss
IINO san
IINO san
Such as the cases of overturning!

Because ICC (B) also covers water damage caused by storm surges and tsunami, it is used for bulk cargoes such as:

  • Wheat
  • Beans
  • Feed, etc.
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IINO san
This is not covered under ICC (C), which I will introduce next.
It’s better to check whether both total loss and partial losses are covered.

ICC(C) ≒ FPA(Free from Particular Average)

ICC (C) is the most limited coverage term and doesn’t cover partial loss.
It covers only total loss risks such as:
  • Ship grounding
  • Overturning.

It is commonly used for cargoes with low risk of damage, such as:

  • Minerals
  • Timber
  • Scrap iron, etc.,
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IINO san
Even if you think ”I have insurance, so I’m covered!”, there is a case where partial losses are not covered because term is ICC(C)!
Wao… that’s too bad.

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IINO san
In that case, insurance claims could not be made. Be cautious and aware of this

Special Contracts

Specific risks, such as below, are not covered in the insurance terms mentioned earlier.

  • War
  • Strike

This type of risk is not covered by even ICC (A) and needs to be insured separately, like a special contract.

War Risks Insurance and Strike Insurance

War Risk Insurance: It covers damage caused by unpredictable military action or explosives during transportation.

Strike Insurance: It covers diminution or damage due to unexpected strikes by the contractors involved in the transportation.

Insurance is often arranged as follows:
ICC (A), (B) or (C) + War Risk Insurance + Strike Insurance 
Whether to include a special contract depends on the nature of the transaction and the counterparty involved. It is advisable to confirm on a case-by-case basis.
We need to check with each transaction, right?
IINO san
IINO san
Yup! In companies with a high volume of transactions, there may be cases where comprehensive coverage is provided unconditionally for all cases.


Marine cargo insurance covers damages incurred during the transportation of goods. However, some cases are exempted from this coverage to prevent the insurance company from suffering significant losses.

If the following reasons cause the damage, the insurance will not compensate the policyholder and insured.

Insurance companies would incur significant losses if they were obliged to compensate you for every expense.

1) Losses due to intentional acts

Damage intentionally caused by the insured to the cargo to obtain insurance compensation is illegal, and marine cargo insurance does not cover such intentional acts.

2) Normal leakage, decrease in weight/volume, or damage due to natural wear and tear

For items packed in bags, such as coffee beans, changes in volume due to oxidation or atmospheric pressure may occur. In the case of liquid cargo, there may be a reduction in quantity due to evaporation.

These natural losses are exempted from coverage under marine cargo insurance.

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IINO san
Natural phenomenon.

3) Damage due to inadequate or improper packing of the cargo

Damages resulting from insufficient or inappropriate cargo packaging are exempted under marine cargo insurance. This also includes loading deficiencies in containers within the scope of packaging inadequacy.

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IINO san
However, packing performed by a third party after the start of the insurance coverage is eligible for compensation.

4) Damage due to inherent defects or the nature of the cargo

Marine cargo insurance does not cover inherent defects in the cargo itself or those resulting from its natural characteristics, such as:

  • Natural rusting of metals
  • Ripening and decay of agricultural products

5) Losses due to delay

Damages incurred due to delays in the loading vessel that result in missed business opportunities are not covered under marine cargo insurance.

The vessel is frequently delayed.

6) Damage due to radiation contamination, chemical weapons, biological weapons, and electromagnetic weapons

Damages caused by the following are not covered.

  • Hazardous substances of nuclear fuel, nuclear waste, nuclear equipment, nuclear weapons, and radioactive materials
  • Chemical weapons
  • Biological weapons
  • Electromagnetic weapons

7) Losses due to the bankruptcy of shipping companies, etc.

Damages resulting from the insolvency of shipping companies, financial default, and non-performance of monetary obligations are exempt from insurance coverage only when the insured knowingly shipped the cargo despite being aware of the bankruptcy of the shipping company.

IINO san
IINO san
Only if you knew” is the point!


The most important aspect of marine cargo insurance is to select insurance conditions that match the nature of each cargo after confirming the scope of coverage and the disclaimers.

IINO san
IINO san
This is crucial to understand – insurance is not a solution to every problem.

The information provided in this article represents basic terms, and specific details may vary depending on the insurance company. Confirming the specifics with the insurance provider on a case-by-case basis is recommended.

IINO san
IINO san
By adding special contracts such as FAS Attachment Clause or FOB Insurance, you can cover various risks and be prepared for emergencies.

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IINO san
IINO san
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