3-1. Overview of Incoterms


IINO san
IINO san
Wait! Are they magic spells?
IINO san
IINO san
Incoterms might be confusing for beginners.
You need to understand them one by one.  
Well, that’s a big challenge.
IINO san
IINO san
You don’t need to memorize everything at once.
I can give you some tips to help you understand.

Learning Points

  • Outline of Incoterms
  • Main Purpose of Incoterms
  • General Framework
  • Four Essential Groups to Remember

Outline of Incoterms

Incoterms are the globally recognized trade rules established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Currently, Incoterms 2020 is in effect, with revisions occurring approximately every decade.

IINO san
IINO san
Such as “Incoterms 2000” and “Incoterms 2010.”

Main Purpose of Incoterms

Incoterms are agreements between exporters (sellers) and importers (buyers) that define who is responsible for the “Costs” and “Risks” of transporting goods.

International trade differs from domestic transactions regarding language, laws, and business customs. Therefore, common international rules are needed to avoid trouble.

“Costs” and “Risks”?
IINO san
IINO san
It’s like who bears what costs, and who takes responsibility in the event of an accident during transport. 
I see. Considering the numerous expenses, it’s essential to clarify in advance who will be responsible for what costs.
Incoterms clearly define which party is responsible for:

・Costs (such as the ocean or airfreight charges, port fees, insurance, trucking, customs duties, taxes, etc.)
・Risks  (such as damage or loss of goods)
IINO san
IINO san
Even the specific range “from where to where” is predetermined.


The Incoterms do not have legal force, as they are global rules rather than legal regulations.

Whether to apply them is at the discretion of both the seller and the buyer. Therefore, while Incoterms 2020 is currently in effect, it is also possible to use older versions such as Incoterms 2000.

IINO san
IINO san
Although DDU was removed from Incoterms and replaced with DAP in 2010, I still often see it.
So, there are terms I have to remember, right?
IINO san
IINO san
Don’t worry. The ones we often use are limited.
Even in practical work, I have never encountered all of them.

Delivery Point

In Incoterms, who bears which costs and assumes which risks are clearly defined. What becomes crucial here is the delivery point, where the responsibility for costs and risks shifts.

I’m a bit confused.
IINO san
IINO san
Don’t worry, we’ll explain specific examples.

There are multiple delivery points like the following:

・Factory or warehouse on the export site
・Ports, etc., on the export site
・Ports, etc., on the import site
・Factory or warehouse on the import site

IINO san
IINO san
Even if it is an exporting port, there also is a case of “the point when it is loaded on a ship.”

Four Essential Groups to Remember

There are 11 Incoterms in total, and they are divided into four groups:

  • Group E: Exporter’s factory/warehouse
  • Group F: Exporter’s port, etc.
  • Group C: Importer’s port, etc.
  • Group D: Importer’s factory/warehouse 
IINO san
IINO san
The key is that the delivery area varies for each group.
Let’s learn this outline.

IINO san
IINO san
This diagram provides a basic understanding of Incoterms but is not official. 

Okay! Just for our reference!

Group E: Delivery Point – Exporter’s factory/warehouse

Group E’s delivery point is the exporter’s factory or warehouse.

The exporter will be responsible for handing over the goods at the factory, and all subsequent transportation costs and risks, such as cargo damage, become the importer’s responsibility.

IINO san
IINO san
If the exporter is inexperienced in trade, this group can be beneficial!

E Group’s cost and risk burden

  • Exporter: No burden after delivering the goods at their factory or warehouse
  • Importer: Burden all costs and risks after receiving the goods at the export site

Group F: Delivery Point – Exporter’s port, etc.

In Group F, the responsibility for the costs and risks of the cargo shifts at the specified location, typically the exporter’s port.

F Group’s cost and risk burden

  • Exporter: Bears the cost and risk up to the exporter’s port
  • Importer: Bears the costs and risks after receiving the cargo from the export port
IINO san
IINO san
That means the port area of the exporter. It could be an export forwarder’s warehouse.

Group C: Delivery Point – Importer’s port, etc.

In Group C, the delivery point is when the cargo arrives at the port of import or the agreed destination in the importing country.

IINO san
IINO san
In Group C, the point at which the importer bears the burden differs for “Costs” and “Risk.”

C Group’s cost and risk burden

  • Exporter: Bears the costs and risks up to the port of import
  • Importer: Bears the costs and risks of receiving from the port of import
Importer’s port…?
IINO san
IINO san
It could be an agreed destination at the import site.
Such as CY or CFS!

Group D: Delivery Point – Importer’s factory/warehouse

D Group’s delivery point is the Importer’s factory or warehouse.

The responsibility for the costs and risks of the cargo shifts at the moment the goods arrive at the location specified by the importer.

In this term, the exporter bears all transportation costs and risks, such as damage or loss of goods, until delivery completion.

D Group’s cost and risk burden

  • Exporter: All costs and risks to the destination (*)
  • Importer: No burden until the cargo is received

(*) In some terms, such as DAP, the importer has to bear customs duty and consumption tax.

Is the shipping free for the importer?
IINO san
IINO san
No! It may seem like the shipping is free, but it’s not. It might be included in the product price.
Oh, I see.


This curriculum explained the overview of Incoterms.

Although the delivery points vary for each term, they can be broadly categorized into four groups.

IINO san
IINO san
You know it? E Group is contrasted with D Group, and F Group is contrasted with C Group!

It is important to understand the overall Incoterms framework to memorize the conditions of each one. Let’s check the details of the Incoterms for each group in the following curriculum.

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IINO san
IINO san
The act of “remembering” helps it sink in your memory.