
I don’t like being rushed.

Learning Points
- Customs Procedures in Air Import
Air Import Customs Clearance Procedure
Air transport is faster than maritime transport; therefore, expedited customs procedures are required.
Customs clearance for air imports proceeded as follows.
2. Break down ULD
3. Request import procedures to customs brokers
4. Arrange Internal Transportation
5. Import Declaration
6. Once the import permission is granted, the goods are carried out from the bonded area

1. Receive S/A from Exporter
Once the flight is confirmed on the export side, Shipping Advice (S/A) will be emailed to the importer.
S/A includes the following documents:
- Air Waybill
- Invoice
- Packing List
- Permits or certificates required by regulations
- Catalog or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Certificate of Origin, etc.,
The S/A content is similar to maritime transport, but an Air Waybill is used for air transport.

Air Waybill
The Air Waybill (AWB) doesn’t permit cargo transfer through endorsement as it is not a negotiable instrument. That’s why the cargo ownership belongs to the consignee on the Air Waybill.
Regarding Letter of Credit (L/C) transactions, the consignee’s column should be the issuing bank on the importer’s side.
Arrival Notice
An A/N serves as an alert or notification that the cargo is about to arrive. In maritime transport, the A/N is generally sent to the importer or customs broker 1-2 days before the vessel arrives.
However, as speed is crucial, the A/N is issued when the aircraft departs from the exporting airport. Then, it is sent to the destination via email or other means.
The documents used are different from those used by sea.
- Air: Air Waybill
- Sea: Bill of Lading (Sea Waybill, Expressed B/L)
2. Break Down ULD
The cargo taken off the aircraft is brought into the airline’s bonded warehouse and then unpacked and sorted. These activities are collectively referred to as “breaking down.”
Generally, various companies’ cargo is loaded together onto ULDs. Therefore, unpacking is necessary for each shipper’s items separately.

ULD (Unit Load Device) is a loading device such as pallets or containers used to carry cargo. Utilizing these allows for the efficient loading and unloading of cargo from aircraft.

Container Types
Pallet Types
3. Request Import Procedures to Customs Brokers
The consignee will email the S/A documents to the customs broker to proceed with the import declaration.

4) Arrange Internal Transportation
It is advisable to arrange for transportation to ensure swift and prompt pickup. The free time for air transportation is short, typically within 24 hours starting from 8 a.m. the day after arrival.

In the case of L/C Transactions
Air transport cargo can be received once the Air Waybill is submitted and the owner shows they are the consignee. However, specific procedures are required for Letter of Credit (L/C) transactions.
In L/C transactions, the consignee’s column on the Air Waybill will be the issuing bank.
In this case, the importer will submit the following documents to the negotiating bank to obtain a Release Order:
- Collateral or promissory note
- Air Trust Receipt
Release Order (R/O)
Release Order is the document in which the consignee of an air waybill instructs the airline to release the cargo to another party. This is attached to the A/N.
As the consignee, the bank signs and issues the Release Order. By submitting the release order with the bank’s signature to the airline, the consignee can obtain the D/O.
5. Import Declaration
Upon confirming cargo transfer into the bonded area, the customs broker proceeds with the import declaration on behalf of the importer.
The declaration is made to the customs office overseeing the bonded area where the cargo is stored. The declaration is conducted using an online system.
6. Cargo Release
The consignee will pick up the cargo from the bonded warehouse upon receiving import customs clearance approval.

In this topic, we explained the process of air import. The key points to note are as follows:
- Prompt action is essential in all aspects
- An original Air Waybill is not necessary
- Due to short free time, prompt arrangements for domestic transportation are required
- Special arrangements are required in the case of L/C transactions

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