9-4. Transporting Dangerous Goods by Air


Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Hey, Rookie! Do you understand the rules for transporting dangerous goods by air?
Well, I only know that there are a lot of things to be careful about.
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
To transport dangerous goods by air, you need to prepare lots of things such as packing or a declaration sheet.
Like maritime transport?
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Yes, but don’t worry.
You need to follow the regulations once you’ve classified them correctly. Let’s go through it step by step.

What You Learn in This Topiic

・Dangerous Goods
・International Rules
・Confirmation of Transport Requirements
・Procedure for Transporting Dangerous Goods
・Packing Containers, Shipping Marks and Labeling
・Dangerous Goods Declaration

Dangerous Goods

Firstly, what exactly is dangerous goods?

In a formal definition, dangerous goods are items or substances that pose a risk to health, safety, property, or the environment.

Examples of Dangerous Goods

The below are examples of dangerous goods.

  • Cars
  • Refrigerators
  • Batteries
  • Engines
  • Hairspray
  • Fire Extinguishers
  • Dry Ice
  • Environmentally Hazardous Substances
  • Charcoal
  • Perfume
  • Marker pen
  • Liquor

Nearly 3,000 items are currently defined as hazardous materials in air freight.

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Hazardous materials’s lifecycle is manufacturing/processing ⇒ storage ⇒ transportation ⇒ consumption ⇒ disposal. What we are learning here is the transportation stage.
Wow! Yumeko san, it’s a bit complicated.

Transport of Dangerous Goods

You have to note dangerous goods must be transported according to regulations. In principle, they should not be transported on public transportation modes (land, sea, air).

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Both mailing and bringing passenger baggage are generally prohibited!

In freight transportation, only those that meet certain conditions can be transported. Among them, air transport has the strictest rules.

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
The temperature difference is said to range from -40°C to 50°C, and there is a significant difference in pressure between the ground and during flight.

International Rules

To transport dangerous goods by aircraft, it is necessary to follow the regulations below.

  • Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Issued by United Nations)
  • Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Issued by ICAO)
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
The Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) recompiled by the IATA for practical use are commonly utilized in operations.

Procedure for Transporting Dangerous Goods

The following are the procedures for transporting dangerous goods by air.

1. Classify the hazard
(determine classification number, division number, and packaging group)
2. Select the UN Proper Shipping Name
3. Determine whether to use a passenger aircraft or a cargo-only aircraft
4. Verify packaging requirements
(aviation standards are stricter than those for maritime transport).
5. Prepare documents (Dangerous Goods Declaration), affix shipping marks to the packaging, and attach labels
6. Check for any exceptions or regulations of relevant authorities and airlines
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Especially the classification and determination of items in 1 and 2 become the key to safe transportation.
I’ll make sure not to forget.

Classification of Dangerous Goods

All dangerous goods are assigned a UN number and classified into classes ranging from 1 to 9 based on their hazard level. To transport dangerous goods, it is necessary to classify them correctly

Oh, I’ve seen this in maritime transport topic too!

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Please make sure to categorize them accurately, okay?

Confirmation of Transport Requirements

Once determining the proper shipping name, various transport requirements become more defined, including:

  • Whether it will be transported on a passenger aircraft or a cargo-only aircraft
  • Quantity per package

Based on the hazard level of the goods, the exporter must package them in compliance with appropriate packaging standards.

Packaging Requirements

There are two main types of packaging requirements:

・General packaging requirements
(requirements common to all)
・Requirements according to the Packaging Instruction Number
(individual packaging requirements corresponding to the items)

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Packing Groups are also defined as follows.
※ Packing Group 画像の挿入をお願いします

Selection of Containers, Shipping Marks and Labeling of Packages

To transport hazardous materials, it is essential to use shipping marks and labels that indicate the dangerous nature of the goods. Moreover, containers must adhere to the United Nations standards.

There are two types of containers, and their usage depends on the nature of the hazardous materials being handled:

  • Single Packaging(A container using a single layer or component such as a drum or Jerrycan for packaging the hazardous material)
  • Composite Packaging(A container using multiple layers or components to create a packaging unit)
Wao, there are regulations regarding containers as well!

Dangerous Goods Declaration

In addition to the above, the declaration of dangerous goods is mandatory for air transportat.

The shipper must prepare and sign Dangerous Goods Declaration, submitting two copies to the airline. The key information to be included is as follows:

  • Shipper’s name and address
  • Consignee’s name and address
  • Whether it is for passenger or cargo aircraft
  • Whether it is general dangerous goods or radioactive substances
  • United Nations (UN) number
  • Proper shipping name
  • Packaging group
So, it means we have to report in documents what kind of items we are transporting?
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Yes, that’s right. To ensure safe transportation, it’s crucial to use the format established by IATA and accurately document the necessary information.


It is necessary to classify the dangerous goods and determine the proper shipping name to transport hazardous materials by air.

There are no government agencies responsible for determining whether a substance is hazardous or assigning proper shipping names. All of these are shipper’s responsibility.

Yumeko san
Yumeko san
On the other hand, the regulations also require forwarders and airline agency staff to confirm that dangerous goods comply with the rules.
Hmm… That’s a responsible approach!
Yumeko san
Yumeko san
Therefore, each branch is required to have at least one person who has passed the IATA Dangerous Goods course in order to handle dangerous goods.
I see! Safety is the top priority in handling such materials.

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IINO san
IINO san
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